Drinking water is very important and effective for your body. Well, have you heard of someone’s overall wellbeing and magnificent aura with the glow on their face? The fact is that when you feel well – hydrated is actually a well-documented scientific phenomenon that when you feel good, you will look good.
When we drink water, the body cells become nourished and hydrated.
For all skin, hairs, nails, and every other part of us blossoms when H20 is added, leading to overall enhancements in our appearance.
Well, Water may not be the first thing that pops into our head when we think of anti-aging skincare. But trust me, water plays a weighty role.
Have you ever noticed how your skin looks? Is it dry, dull, and flaky when you’re dehydrated? It is also noticeable that fine lines and wrinkles become more prominent. You should know that drinking enough water hydrates and plumps up skin cells, making your face appear younger and your wrinkles less visible.
As we know, Healthy and well-hydrated cells are the building blocks of every system in the body, from our skin cells to brain cells. Since cellular water (the water held within cells), is where the chemistry of life itself occurs, it should come as no surprise that hydration is essential to looking and feeling the best. The necessary thing to live and appear younger.
1. Eat With Cellular Water
To fight cellular dehydration, you should become better with a mind, strong cells with highly functional membranes. Moreover, Eating a healthy, largely plant-based diet is an easy way to create a nutrient-rich environment within the body. Eating well gives us the building blocks we need to create strong cells. The second thing you should take care of is taking good care of those strong, new cells by adding antioxidant-rich foods and supplements to diets. Water helps reduce the impact of cell-damaging free radicals. Another major thing is minimizing exposure to things that we know can create cell-damaging free radicals like alcohol, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants.
2. Shield Your Skin Cells
As you know, Skin is the body’s first line of defense. Some Topical skincare products with powerful hydrating ingredients can support and enhance the skin’s barrier function. Their ability to shield the skin’s living cells and the entire body from environmental damage and dehydration is very powerful and amazing. They should also include regular exfoliation to the skin cells to encourage healthy cell turnover. This means having a higher population of stronger and younger cells.
3. And Say ‘No’ to Stress and worries.
“Think of water as a nutrient your body needs — that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of those are essential daily to exchange the massive amounts of water lost every day,”– says Joan Koelemay, RD, a dietitian for the Beverage Institute, an industry group. As you recognize, Chronic stress takes its toll on our bodies, and that damage is visible on our skin.
Needless to say, that damage goes all the way down to the cellular level, where stress-induced free radicals lay blockade to our cell membranes. So it’s no surprise that people who are constantly on the go and who never make time for themselves tend to suffer from cellular dehydration. By taking at least a little time each day to relax and do something enjoyable. We can make the change by starting to break the cycle of stress damage and give a gift of health to every cell in our bodies.
Did you know?
Dehydration can cause – Fine lines, Wrinkles, and Sagging Skin.
How Much Water To Drink For Glowing Skin?
Drinking-Water– Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. 60% of your body is consists of water and therefore the functions of bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of blood heat. So, when you’re low on fluids, your brain activates a message of thirst. And you should identify those messages that trigger your brain and drink water, or something juicy.
So the question here arises,
How much water do you need daily?
Here’s an easy answer: The amount of water you drink in parts should be about half your weight in pounds. So if you weigh 120 pounds, you ought to drink about 60 ounces of water daily and that’s about 8 glasses of water a day. Also, If you’re not drinking a minimum of 8 full glasses each day, you’re not drinking enough water, and that’s a serious problem.
Did You Know?
Foods with high water content like soups, buttermilk, coconut milk, cucumbers, and oranges are good sources of water for the body.
Even seasonal fruits are best to intake.If you have sugar free soda water with lemon between every alcoholic peg you consume, it can prevent a hangover and make you drink less alcohol.
We lose water from our bodies even once we breathe.
Another way to watch whether you’re adequately hydrated or dehydrated is to check your urine color. If it is Light yellow, like the color of lemonade, means you’re getting an adequate amount of water. Dark yellow means trouble. Then you ought to ask a doctor also.
A great way to ensure you stay hydrated all day is to bring your water with you wherever you go. It’s a good habit and also good for your skin. And avoid taking plastic bottles from outside.
Moreover, Water helps you from the inside out. For your skin’s benefit, it’s one of the easiest and best beauty treatments you can do. No, you might not be able to get rid of all your favorite beauty products just because you’re drinking more water, but it will definitely help.
Water Prevents Premature Aging
Staying hydrated helps you increase elasticity within the skin as it stays moisturized for longer. Strengthening elasticity in the skin implies delayed sagging of the skin and no premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Water Can Help Control Calories.
For many years, dieters have been drinking lots of water as a weight-loss strategy, and dietitians are also recommending that. While water doesn’t have any magical effect on weight loss, Exchanging it for higher calorie beverages can certainly help.
What works with weight loss is that if you select water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage.
And if you eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more filling, and assist you to trim calorie intake — says Penn State researcher Barbara Rolls.
Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, broth-based soups, and beans. As Food with high water content tends to see larger and its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps you are feeling full.
Tips to Assist You Drink More Water

If you think that you would like to be drinking more, here are some tips to extend your fluid intake and convey within the benefits of water:
- Have a beverage/liquid refreshment with every snack and meal.
- Choose beverages or liquids you enjoy; you’re likely to drink more liquids if you like the way they taste.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will increase your hydration. About 20% of our fluid intake comes from foods that you simply eat.
- You should keep a bottle of water with you in your car or your bag so that you carry it everywhere.
- And Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you’re watching calories, choose non-caloric beverages or water.
Always take your beverages and necessary fruits whenever you go.
We hope you understand the advantages of beverages or drinking water in your life. Adjusting your diet and your routine to incorporate it’d be difficult at initially, but the longer you’re employed at it, the better it will become. Although it takes time to ascertain the consequences, gradually you’ll notice a lift in energy, more boost up, and a healthy glow to your skin and hair. You’ll never want to travel anywhere without your water bottle again! Always take your beverages and necessary fruits whenever you go.
Tell us-
How has water helped you in achieving beautiful skin and hair? How do you make sure you are drinking enough water every day?